There's a World Sportsball Cup happening soon and for a month or so. I know, I know: they kept that quiet, eh? But there it is, happening away, and this means across the land offices are indulging in the time honoured tradition of the Major Sporting Event Sweepstake.
I don't care for football much, but I love a good sweepstake. I think it's partly my genes, and also that one of my favourite books starts with typists making up the slips for one.
Anyway, despite my love of the form, I was too slow off the mark at work to contribute my shilling and draw a team. And some people work alone, or in small teams, or in teams that don't like each other, or whatever, and similarly haven't a chance to enjoy the fun. So I've set up an Utterly Pointless 100% Prize Free Twitter Sweepstake (we're calling it the #pointlesstwittersweepstake) so that 31 lucky other people can enjoy the fun of cheering on a randomly-assigned team for a greater or lesser period of time.
The draw's been carried out with the assistance of a random number generator, and and I can now announce it as follows:
@abbybarker - Spain
@AgentK23 - Ecuador
@AVwoman - Costa Rica
@barbalade - Germany
@cjclib - USA
@EmilyDourish - Ghana
@EmmaBTate - England
@ErikaDelbecque - Bosnia Herzegovina
@EstherArens - Japan
@GingergalWales - Russia
@girlinthe - Iran
@herslantfinely - Belgium
@inky_fluff - Greece
@juliamarybird - Croatia
@LeanneWain - Mexico
@lemurph - Ivory Coast
@LGBTlibrarian - Switzerland
@losbiblio - Netherlands
@LucyGwynn - Brazil
@maniccharlie - Chile
@mginotherwords - Cameroon
@mstores - Colombia
@orangeaurochs - Uruguay
@pennyb - Australia
@pussy_galore_ - France
@RevRachelMann - Portugal
@RosieHLib - South Korea
@spiky7 - Italy
@TanyaKirk - Argentina
@wendycr_ - Nigeria
@WobblyGoose - Algeria
@YKnot - Honduras
Or, if you prefer it arranged by country:
@WobblyGoose - Algeria
@TanyaKirk - Argentina
@pennyb - Australia
@herslantfinely - Belgium
@ErikaDelbecque - Bosnia Herzegovina
@LucyGwynn - Brazil
@mginotherwords - Cameroon
@maniccharlie - Chile
@mstores - Colombia
@AVwoman - Costa Rica
@juliamarybird - Croatia
@AgentK23 - Ecuador
@EmmaBTate - England
@pussy_galore_ - France
@barbalade - Germany
@EmilyDourish - Ghana
@inky_fluff - Greece
@YKnot - Honduras
@girlinthe - Iran
@spiky7 - Italy
@lemurph - Ivory Coast
@EstherArens - Japan
@LeanneWain - Mexico
@losbiblio - Netherlands
@wendycr_ - Nigeria
@RevRachelMann - Portugal
@GingergalWales - Russia
@RosieHLib - South Korea
@abbybarker - Spain
@LGBTlibrarian - Switzerland
@orangeaurochs - Uruguay
@cjclib - USA
Good luck to everyone taking part in this, or any other. If I remember, I may even update this post with progress reports as the competition wears on. But please don't hold your breath.
I thought it was called the World Series SoccerBall Tourney. But then, I could be wrong.