Friday, 3 June 2011

23 Things for Professional Development

I'm involved in running a free, open-to-all, professional development course for librarians and information professionals this summer. 23 Things for Professional Development, as the name suggests, is '23-Things'-style self-directed course with a focus on ways to help your CPD by using social media and web 2.0 and by being professionally active in more traditional ways.

23 Things for Professional Development logo: cpd23
On the cpd23 blog you can find a list of the Things and the course timetable, a registration form (if you already have a blog ready and raring to go), and a bit of background information.

The idea of the course is to introduce you to new (or old) tools, and encourage you to try them out and think about how you can incorporate them into your career development.  People at any stage in their careers and from an sector can take part, and we're hoping that as well and individual learning there will be lots of opportunities for sharing ideas, meeting new people and developing your network. (Ugh, there's that word again). If you're interested, I'd strongly encourage you to check out the blog, and to tell other people about it (publicity info is here).

The programme starts on Monday 20th June, with the posting of Things 1 and 2 on the blog.  Looking forward to seeing you there!

1 comment:

  1. Many outsourcing professional services do offer as well their own professional development courses that really helps a lot of individuals with their chosen careers and profession.
